Checklist for a Strong Child Protection and Safeguarding Program - Eng.
Employee File Checklist* – Eng. Letter/A4, Sp. Letter/A4, Fr. Letter/A4
Child File Checklist* – Eng. Letter/A4, Sp. Letter/A4, Fr. Letter/A4
Preliminary Abuse Report Form:
Code of Conduct:
Model Release Form (for use of image):
Disclaimer: This is not to be taken as legal advice although the release was written by a U.S. lawyer. The release is generic and was not provided taking into situations and other considerations specific to your organization.
Note: It is always important to make sure the signer understands what s/he is agreeing to and what the ramifications are. Additionally, written forms such as the one provided below are not appropriate in all cultures as signed documents can be viewed with suspicion.
International Laws & Treaties:
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC)
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Full Text: Eng., Fr., Sp., Arabic, Other languages
Special Thanks to:
Katrina Cavanaugh Monsess and Cara Foster Karim for the African Children's Charter design & illustrations,
David Weinberg for the Arabic translation and Abdallah Mohamed for the Kiswahili translations of the ACRWC,
Dr. Carlos De Pablos-Ortega and the SAAM Project at the University of East Anglia for the * subtitles and translations.